Friday, June 29, 2007

Blast from the Past. "Calamity Corner Simulator."

"Calamity Corner Simulator" we put up around 2000/2001. This is up at the Gateway Area, about 10 minutes uphill and slightly south, over a talus bench from the top of the PB Boulders in the Flatirons. The same crew — Trip Coffin, Greg Coffin, Josh Deuto, and I — had put up the problem "Calamity Corner", on top of West Mountain in Hueco Tanks, and this problem had a similar aspect — high, non-landing, hanging arete/corner. You get a jug up high, but you need to go for it with authority." -Matt

photos: Matt Samet Collection

1 comment:

chuffer said...

Both of these problems are pretty darn impressive.